
Posts Tagged ‘Industria musicale’

Themusicvoid: previsioni sul 2010 dell’industria musicale

Su themusicvoid giocano a fare Nostradamus sull’industria musicale del 2010. Ecco i dieci punti:

1. Labels Will Bounce Back
2. Facebook Music Will Partner With Lala
3. Spotify Will Drop Its Prices
4. Mobile Music Will Remain Sluggish
5. Live Nation+Ticketmaster = LiveMonster!
6. Spotify Will Purchase Songkick
7. Coca Cola Will Buy Your Local Music Bar
8. Marlborough Will Manage The Killers
9. ISPs Will Launch Music Services
10. Someone will do something really embarrassing and awkward with Michael Jackson’s Memory

Industria musicale 2009: vincitori e perdenti

Bell’articolo su digitalmusicnews


Winner: The Mobile App…
Loser: The Massively Leveraged Media Buyout…
Mixed Bag: The Cloud…
Loser: Joe Consumer…
Winner: The Penny-Pinching Music Fan…
Loser: Physical Music (Though Vinyl Remains Interesting)…
Winner: The Music Video…
Loser: Music Conferences…
Winner: The Frugal Executive; The Lean Startup…
Winner: The Twittering Artist…
Loser: The Live Performance Sector…
Loser: The Gaming Industry…
Loser: The RIAA…
Loser: The Traditional Trade Magazine…
Winner: Digital Music News..

5 previsioni del 2010 per l’industria musicale

dal Mashable

1. Labels Will Get Smart
2. Physical CD Sales Will Continue to Decline
3. Release Strategies Will Evolve
4. Music Will Live Legitimately in the Cloud
5. Who Knows?

Gerd Leonhard: New Year’s Message to the Music Industry – 9 punti fondamentali

Torno a parlarvi di Gerd Leonhard (aggiungetelo su Twitter, ogni giorno propone tanto ma tanto materiale) che ha schematizzato in 9 punti un messaggio per il nuovo anno dell’industria musicale:

1) Stop pushing for more and more and…more legal or technical protection measures and lighten up on the constant quest for control: think (and act) compensation not control!

2) Access to music is going to replace ownership, very soon, so start thinking ‘Selling 2.0’ – if copies are abundant and can no longer be monetized in the same way as before, what else can you sell? This is crucial. You need to groom and build the New Generatives not push harder to pass laws to try and get the old times to magically return.
3) Friction truly is Fiction i.e. utterly wishful thinking, now, so you have a choice: get out of the way… or lend a hand (you have heard that song before). Reinvent your relationship with the artists and the ‘people formerly known as consumers’. Stop hiding behind technological tricks and artificial hurdles: protection is in the business model not in the technology (need more? Check out my new book “Friction is Fiction”).
4) Stop hanging on to that good old, comfortable EGOsystem paradigm – start building the new ECOsystem. The future is not in Google paying for all music online, or the ISPs paying for all music on their networks – it’s in constantly moving, interconnected, fluid and tri-brid (that is hybrid+1) systems of ‘I pay, you Pay, 3rd party pays’.
5) Collaborate – engage don’t enrage, have real conversations not monologues, drop the big sticks and start growing more carrots. The time for Music 2.0 is now.
6) Offer a public digital music license that legalizes – and monetizes – all use of music online.
7) Music consumption via computers is getting less and less important – it’s all moving to Mobile Devices (read my mobile Music 2.0 book and see the video below;)
8) The new money is in connecting the cloud (where the music is) with the crowd (where the money is) – access comes first now, ownership is second. And this is good news!
9) Question your assumptions: what do you still believe that is no longer really true…? (see the video below).

—- I video li potete vedere nell’articolo originale —-

5 “miti” sulla morte dell’industria discografica

Dal WashingtonCityPaper

Ecco i 5 “miti”:

1) The industry is declining; therefore it must be dead.
2) The industry’s woes are divorced from larger economic forces.
3) Digital music sales are rapidly overtaking CD sales.
4) The Internet has rendered record labels irrelevant.
5) If the industry isn’t dead yet, it must be in its death throes.

Come aver successo nell’ industria musicale digitale

Parla Daniel EK, il fondatore di Spotify, su Thisislondon


NY Times sul futuro della musica

Articolo sul New York Times

“SAN FRANCISCO — With its deal this month to buy the Web music service Lala, Apple may be pointing the way to the future of music.

In this future, the digital music files on people’s computers could join vinyl records, cassette tapes and CDs in the dusty vault of fading music formats.

Instead, music fans will use their always-online computers and smartphones to visit a vast Internet jukebox, where Gregorian chants, Lady Gaga tracks and the several centuries of music in between are instantly available.

For a small but growing cadre of music lovers, the vision is not that outlandish. Josh Newman, a 30-year-old technology consultant from Toronto who travels widely, pays $16 a month for Spotify, a subscription music service that, for now, is officially available only in Europe. Spotify allows unlimited listening to its online music library.

Since Spotify introduced an application for the iPhone over the summer, Mr. Newman has begun listening to the service almost exclusively, even though he has 35,000 songs on hard drives at home.

“The irony is, I don’t even go back to that music,” Mr. Newman said. “I’m almost too lazy. If there’s an artist I want to check out, I’d rather listen to it on Spotify than have to dig through my collection.”

continua QUI

Chris Brown si lamenta sul suo Twitter (ma de che…)

A parte che fa musica molto discutibile (poi…”fa”… è un parolone), ma dopo quel che ha combinato con Rihanna (altra molto discutibile, almeno dal lato musicale) la sua simpatia e l’opinione pubblica è scesa a livelli molto bassi. Pare infatti che il suo nuovo album sia proiettato verso il flop. Su Rockol riportano che Chris Brown in persona si sia lamentato, attraverso Twitter, della scarsa promozione diretta (smentita dagli interessati) negli store che sta subendo.

Infondo anche questa è promozione…sta facendo parlare di se…

Due articoli di WIRED molto interessanti su API & Musica

Geeks to Music Industry: APIs Can Set You Free : parla di come le API (specialmente quelle “open”) potrebbero salvare l’industria musicale attraverso blogs, widgets, apps, social nets, search services, recommendation engines e chi più ne ha più ne metta.

4 Ways One Big Database Would Help Music Fans, Industry: vengono mostrati 4 modi in cui un grande database può aiutare la musica:

1 – Paying Artists
2 – Easing the Inevitable Acquisitions of Digital Music Services
3 – Better APIs and Mashups
4 – Subscription Services Would Be Way Less Scary for Consumers

Atlantis Internet & EMI: Jukebox Slots

Il mercato dei casinò e dei giochi d’azzardo sembra essere in buona salute nonostante la crisi, ecco quindi che è arrivata la notizia di un progetto che probabilmente (o almeno tenterà) di fare aumentare gli introiti dell’industria musicale.


“Atlantis Internet Group Corp. (PINKSHEETS: ATIG) announced today that it has obtained a license from EMI Music Publishing allowing it to offer EMI’s entire music library consisting of over 1,500,000 songs for Atlantis Internet Group’s new Jukebox Slot machines. The patent pending Jukebox Slots allows casino players to listen to their favorite tunes while playing Slots, Electronic Table and Tournament games.

“Jukebox Slots offers the gaming industry a refreshing new twist with slots, electronic table games, tournament games and music all in one machine; we call it a ‘Casino in a Casino,'” said Donald L. Bailey, president and CEO of Atlantis Internet Group. ”